Monday 2 April 2012

What have you learned about technologies from the process of construction of your product?

I used several programs during the process of creating my product. These programs include; Adobe Photoshop, Bridge and Macromedia Fireworks. Photoshop is the main software that I used in order to create my product. Through this software I have learnt to use many skills, such as removing backgrounds from images and using effects tools such as drop shadows.

I used another piece of software called Adobe Bridge. I used this in order to create a contact sheet.

Whilst creating my magazine, I encountered problems involving backwards compatibility. As I have Photoshop CS5 at home, whereas CS3 is used at school, I was initially unable to open files that I worked on at home on the computers at school. However, after extensive research, I found a way to open these files in an older version.
Another useful technology that I used was the blog, where I am able to store all my work in an organised format.

A really useful website to convert and publish my work was Scribd. This is because it allows you to embed your PowerPoint presentation or word document directly on to the blog without editing it or changing the quality.

One website that I commonly used was Prezi. It is an online alternative to Microsoft PowerPoint. An advantage of this method is that you can add interesting animations, edit with peers, and embed your presentations. After you embed the document, you are also able to edit it further. When you edit the document, it is altered on the embedded post.

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